Working With The Fitz Bickerstaff Team

With over four decades of experience, our team is ready to manage your home sale and the transition of your loved one.

Real Estate Transition Specialists

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Transitioning a loved one into a senior living community can be a difficult and emotional process. At Fitz Bickerstaff, we take this responsibility very seriously. Our tried and true approach always begins with a clear purpose and conversation. We believe in providing the most clarity and amount of details possible to make this seemingly difficult experience less stressful and simple.

Here are some steps that we recommend taking prior to meeting with our team. This will reduce the anxiety and heart ache your loved one will endure while transitioning to their new residence:

Start talking about the move, early:

Begin researching options and discussing the possibility of senior living community before there is an immediate need.

Include your loved one in the decision-making process:

Involve them in the research and visit different senior living community options together.

Involve other family members or friends:

It can be helpful to have input and support from other family members or friends during the transition.

Prepare for the move:

Help your loved one pack and plan for the move, including transferring important documents and discussing any special needs with a senior living community.

Stay connected:

Make sure to visit and stay in touch with your loved one after the move to ensure they are adjusting well.

It’s important to remember that this transition may not be easy for your loved one, and it may take time for them to adjust to the new living environment. It’s important to be patient and provide emotional support during this time.

Fitz Bickerstaff - Important Questions & Answers

How can you help my parent transition smoothly into a senior living situation?
Our service goes beyond just a logistical approach. We offer a deeply personalized plan that eases your parent into their new lifestyle. We focus on their comfort and well-being, making sure that their transition to senior living is as smooth as possible. This includes understanding their habits, preferences, and concerns, and incorporating these into our process.
What steps should we take to prepare my parent's home for sale?
From cleaning and decluttering to repairs and home staging, we provide vendors for all aspects necessary for a successful home sale. We understand the real estate market and use our expertise to ensure your parent's home sells at the best possible price. Our comprehensive service means you have one less thing to worry about during this period.
How do you handle the decluttering and downsizing process?
We understand the sentimental value attached to personal belongings, so we consult on what to keep, sell, donate, or discard. We provide supportive guidance, helping your family make difficult decisions while keeping your parent's wishes in mind.
What role do I need to play in this process?
Our service is designed to guide you through the process, ensuring your involvement aligns with your comfort level and availability. We understand you may have personal and professional responsibilities, and we strive to make the transition as manageable as possible for you, providing support where necessary.
How do you handle family heirlooms and personal items during decluttering?
Family heirlooms and sentimental items are treated with utmost care. We help you decide on the best options for preservation or distribution. Whether it's organizing, packing, storing, or shipping items to family members, we ensure each item is handled with the respect and care it deserves.

Let’s Talk.

The needs of your loved one and their property are unique. That’s how everyone at Fitz BickerstaffTM is going to treat you. Let’s talk about how we can work together to create the best possible outcome for your family and how we can maximize the value of your property sale.

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